Thursday, April 5, 2012

Greatest Hits

Globe Trekker has some of the coolest music ever made for T.V. It's one of those opening themes that immediately gets you pumped up for armchair travel. There's the awesome Native Trekker creating a circle around him that morphs into a spinning globe lit from within—a great sequence that encapsulates the change in perspective that composes the mindset of those who travel well. Ian is my favorite!

You must absorb the best lessons from your culture first, placing yourself firmly within your immediate surroundings with your feet flat on the ground, so that when you do extend yourself outward, you bring home with you wherever you go, never losing who you are because you carry it with you. The seasoned Trekker has simply set aside some time to explore and discover the world. It's the great Aboriginal concept of a "Walkabout", and it is a crucial piece of development for any one who is learning to spread their wings to fly. It's the nature of A Quest, that mythic transformation from a child (still afraid of the dark) to a young adult ready to see the world. Let's go! Each program's theme is tailored to that episode, taking native instrumental elements and weaving it into the overall background music. As we progress towards a World Culture, reaching for that shared, shining Star Trek vision, we will never lose our local selves as we step forward into a united future. We are this world. See you out and about, be it here or there, near or far. Happy travels!