Monday, April 16, 2012

Cooking with Gas

Sunday fried chicken
I had chicken pieces in the fridge, marinating for a couple of days in milk and spices, for frying on Sunday. They were primed with an egg bath and seasoned flour mixture. This time, I added a bunch of Louisiana hot sauce to the egg wash until it turned a light orange.

The key to a really done piece of fried chicken turned out to be a 10 minute crisping on high heat, followed by a half an hour of covered, slow cooking on the lowest flame setting. You could also drain the chicken on towels after the initial searing and let them finish in the oven, but I wanted to do a purely stove top method. We had summer-like heat yesterday in New York City.

Sunday dinner
It was definitely the moistest piece of chicken I have had in awhile. Next time, I'll do two rounds of egg and spiced flour, to get that extra layer of fried crunch on the outside. Summer is almost here, just in time for the perfect fried chicken recipe. What's yours?