Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God Winks Around the Way

Love is in the Air

A few years back, I designed a book cover for the work of spiritually-based motivational speaker SQuire Rushnell, who wrote about the power of coincidence in everyday life. Basically, he proposes that there are no random occurrences. If we remain ever attuned to our surroundings, we hone our innate ability to make connections instantaneously when we see them. If we use this principle in our immediate environs, it broadens out to our town, 
then our country, and then the world, ever outward. 

One can see it as a consciousness-raising exercise on developing awareness; seeing signs around us and interpreting them. The problem is, it can come off as a bit simplistic and childish, creating the wrong impression, confusing everything with deep, intrinsic meaning, like a psychic gone paranoid schizophrenic. Some things are what they are, simply beautiful. Identify that first, appreciate it, and then we'll tackle the tough stuff, like the meaning of life. If you're the kind of person who flips to the back of a book, the answer is love.