Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tricks or Treats

Holidays in our household were marked by Charlie Brown specials. Regularly scheduled programming was interrupted, replaced by a vivid spinning graphic. Something cool was about to happen! It was exciting, a break from the routine:

We thought about the finishing touches to our costumes. We formulated a plan of attack for collecting the most candy in the shortest amount time, and which neighborhood to hit first. What houses gave out the biggest amounts, or the best kinds of candy? Who was weird when they answered the door, or stingy with the treats? Who gave out cheap parcels of useless pennies wrapped in paper napkins? Okay, let's avoid that house. Some houses left candy out on the stoop unattended, which was a huge bonus for us. We could circumvent interacting with adults, grabbing as much as possible without chastisement. It felt more appropriate that way anyway, since our teeth ached after our candy-eating binges. This holiday was an illicit indulgence, best done on the sly, like pelting a bad neighbor's house with rotten eggs on Gate Night.

As we grew older, we got to explore our surroundings without parents. The freedom was more intoxicating than the Tootsie Rolls. As a rule, we had to stay together as a group, but the trade-off was a walk in the dark. A few years later, glow sticks became popular, adding to the surreal and fun aura around trick-or-treating. We consulted the weather forecasts, hoping for warm temperatures, so we could show off our costumes, unimpeded by covering layers. If not, then preparations had to be made to ensure that we did not have to cede quickly to the chill of the night air. Otherwise, we would lose precious time by returning home earlier than planned, warming our hands before going back out again, subject to parental interrogation and inquisition. For cold Halloweens, it was best to have thermals on underneath, fingerless gloves, hats; anything to prolong the night as much as possible.

What could be more fun for kids than dressing up in costumes and getting free candy?! It's the best feeling ever.

Here's wishing you more treats than tricks this Thurday.