Monday, October 3, 2011

Pumpkin Head

I'm kicking off this month's holiday season with an artist I saw last year on the Food Network, Ray Villafane. He appeared on a "Challenge" show about pumpkin carving, which he won with a rendition of the Medusa character called "Gordusa" (pictured above).

It was a masterful work. Naturally, I was intrigued to find out more. After some online searching I discovered that my instincts were correct—Ray has a long career as an educator, toy maker, pumpkin carver, and sand sculptor. He has received commissions by some of the most prestigious names in the toy industry, like McFarland Toys.

As we head into cool nights, full of atmospheric darkness, let's contemplate the fun that awaits us on Halloween. What costume will you be wearing this year? I know what mine will be.