Monday, October 24, 2011

Love 'em While You Can

The end of last week was a rough one. We lost our beloved TeddyBear, the coolest Mal ever. It was a reminder for me and my pet-lovin' crew to live it up with our animals while we have them. 

In honor of this credo, I submit to you that no one does this better than Joel from The Soup. First off, he dresses his Chihuahua, Lou, in costumes and puts him in skits. Awesome! And hilarious. 

Second, he realizes the cruelty and ridiculousness of taunting a dog with food. This crazy couple has a gentle Australian Shepherd who can be tamed by such actions. If a snow dog was involved, you'd be pulling your arm forcefully out of their giant mouth while the trainer tries to administer shock treatments. 

Uh, folks, there's some cursing involved:

Never fear for Stains, dear readers, because Joel and his crew correct this injustice done to him, in a big way:

Have a blast with your animal friend today.