Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, Chez Doucette

Let the celebrations begin.
A glowing pumpkin head is quite necessary... is Burton decor, like Jack Skellington.

 The bathroom came down with a case of the creepy crawlies,

and a battle broke out on the opposite wall, pitting good vs. evil. The angel won, vanquishing the horrible Witchy Poo. Only her hat and shoes remain.

 A ghoulish tree made it's home above the toilet, which is rather inconvenient.

  In the meantime, a dark forest grew in the kitchen,

while a haunted skull sprung forth killer tarantulas in the living room! If you try to use the television, only horror films are shown. I've been feeding candy to them, piece by piece. Now they do my bidding. 
Heh heheh.

Enchanted pumpkins slowed the hands of time,

for a magical patch to grow by the mantle,

as a Gargoyle stands sentry.

A ghostly Elvis album decided it did not want its' picture taken. How shy!

And spirited clothes flew from my closet into the hallway, busily arranging an outfit to mark the occasion. Sadly, they hung themselves. R.I.P.

Have a great Halloween.