Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth

The Guinness Factory
I know what you were thinking...Tijuana!! Disneyland? Las Vegas? Nope, none of those. The happiest place on earth is The Guinness Factory in Dublin, Ireland, and I should know. I was there with the family in '07. My middle brother had such a great time, he went back the next day with a group of us on our tour. I snapped pics on the walk over in excited anticipation. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Stairway to Heaven
My middle bro kept a quick pace, waving away most of the exhibits. Truth be told, there's gold at the end of this rainbow. After buying a ticket, (which makes the bearer feel like Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory), you take a series of winding ramps upwards towards bright sky. It's a beautiful piece of contemporary architecture, a unique blend of the old and new.

A barrel of fun
The multi-media exhibits explain their special brewing process and long history as brewers. This large cask once used for beer now contains a bunch of artfully arranged flat screens that display tour information as you make your journey upward.

Heaven, Nirvana, Paradise, whatever

But, oh there at the top, there it is. A 360° view of Dublin! It is a stunning way to see the city. Included with the price of admission, you get one of these —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—->
which you exchange at The Sky Bar for your complimentary pint of "the dark stuff". A few were left at the bar (WTF?!), so I quickly pocketed two. Every glass paperweight contains a drop of their brew in an air bubble specially designed to contain it. The pair found a home on one of my bookcase shelves, as prized and proudly displayed souvenirs.

Follow your bliss
It was the best time I had during a harried and hectic family tour. 
We travelled with four small kids, Grandma in her wheelchair (pushed over crowded, narrow cobblestoned streets, and old sites that pre-dated ramps), and various other family members arriving, leaving, and taking different tours; a total of 14. It was like herding cats. This one brief moment in time felt like perfection. As I savored my drink, I could taste the care and time spent in crafting it. Suddenly, like a break in the clouds, me and my Irish twin found ourselves seated at a table, just the two of us, looking at each other in amazement, with relaxed, easy grins on our faces as we toasted and hoisted pints. Slainté!

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.