Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cooking with (No) Gas

'Tis the season for Irish Soda Bread. Last year I made two mini-loaves with great results. This year, walking by a farmers market in my hood,
I decided to buy one. The crust is thicker and darker in color than a traditional soda bread, and the breads' texture is different, but the taste is solid. It's got golden raisins, dark raisins, and caraway seeds, which is awesome for me because I prefer a loaded loaf. 

Bread Alone Irish Soda Bread
If you can find anything by the Bread Alone Bakery near you, get it. 
I discovered them first at an organic grocery store near me, and now
a lot of places around town carry their products. I was blown away by the simple deliciousness of their Peasant Bread. There are five ingredients: organic unbleached white flour, water, organic whole wheat flour, sea salt, yeast. All their breads are so fresh and lovely. And no, they do not endorse me. Healthy eating!