Thursday, March 8, 2012


In 2012, let's end senseless war in Uganda. We can send a powerful message to the world that there is a new reality here on earth, and the dawn of a new era, where everyone shares the responsibility of being our brother and sisters' keeper.

You can help make murderer, child abductor, and brutal sex criminal Joseph Kony famous for his horrors against humanity. By doing so,
we grab the spotlight, gain attention, and motivate those with money, clout, and time to find him and arrest him.

Please take a mere 29 minutes of your time to watch the incredible story of a man whose mission is making "invisible children" visible.

As with any organization, you must do research before committing to a campaign. I did a brief online search regarding the validity of the Invisible Children charity. Please see the links provided below. 

My main goal is spreading information and raising awareness about injustices, not bilking people out of cash. Thank you.