Friday, September 9, 2011

Soul Surfing

The Quicksilver Pro has finally reached New York waters for the first time, and it is long overdue. Many of us have grown up with the awareness of horrendous shows like "Baywatch", which portray southern California as the epicenter for all things related to American beaches. This is a serious misconception.

The original 13 colonies here in the Northeast have had a strong and thriving beach culture for as long as the coastline has hugged our shores. I have been a swimmer my entire life, as are many of my friends and relatives native to this area. We relish our summers as that time specifically devoted to being near the ocean, a pull so innate to our natures, we wouldn't be home without it.

Though the events may be held in stormy weather, I implore you to go out to Long Beach this weekend and support the athletes who are finally getting the respect and recognition they so deserve, and that they have earned through their sheer, hard work. This is not a competition to miss.