Friday, September 30, 2011

Luscious Book Art

Brian Dettmer appeared on my radar some time ago. When I first saw his work, a flash went off on the inside of my skull. WOW! What gorgeous stuff!! Those of us who make books for a living have long revered the craft and fine art of bookmaking. 

Obviously so, since we make it into a career. For many of us, it's also a vocation seemingly without choice, since all paths lead us back to it—despite resistance within the workplace, practical obstacles like time and budget, and being underpaid next to workers of comparative expertise, skill level, or educational background.

You might have surmised by now that when I saw one of our beloved objects elevated to the height of a painting, I felt a sense of pride and vindication. Brian gets the dimensionality and inherent beauty of the book, worthy of appreciation like any other art form. 

The only question that remains for me is this: how can I afford to buy one on my salary? I'm open to a deal ;) 

Stay sharp and focused out there in the world today.