Thursday, August 29, 2013

Street Art: Beauty

You are beautiful.
Random art happens, and sometimes it's there just when you need it, like say, your local bus stop. Every day I fight the good fight to stay in an industry that could care less about whether I live or die, because a business isn't an actual person with a soul, a conscience, or however you define the human experience. Cruel? Perhaps, but I also come loaded with some very powerful weapons of my own: my history, my life stories, my background, my expertise, and a strong portfolio. 

Weapon of choice for the day's errand.
Still, every little bit helps when you're meeting for the umpteenth time a rich, white man with more privileges, advantages and money than you, smug in their role, trying to make you feel that they hold your fate in your hands. The Hunger Game can be a really powerful head trip, and like any other business, publishing comes fully loaded with a lot of huge egos, of people who let it go to their head. So when I see a little shining sign that reminds me who I am, of who I can still choose be (and so can you), it helps. Thanks.

I need all the help I can get, thank you.