Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gardens: Dr. Henry V. Borst Park

I found this tiny park walking to and from the library. It's the perfect bucolic spot for my tai chi chuan practice, nicely hidden by a small stand of beautiful little sour apple trees, but I was curious about it. Something about it seemed random and at the same time, very well designed. Turns out, it is. A local told me she remembered the dentist who lived there when she was a little girl. The kids were so scared of him, she never took apples from his trees. 

Didn't you have a crazy old person on your street who lived in a scary old house, too? Alice told me Dr. Borst deeded the land to the town out of spite, so as to cheat his only living heir, a niece, from inheriting it all. I have no idea if that's real or colorful folklore, but somehow it makes me love this tucked away spot more. Where do you go to get away from it all?