Saturday, August 31, 2013

Birth, School, Work, Death

The concept of "work" has become so distorted from the relentless marketing push that drives modern commerce (which requires the constant ringing of cash machines to stay afloat as an economy), that many individuals maintain someone cannot be "normal" if they don't suffer through another meaningless day at an office, working at a dully repetitive job in a big company run by faceless people with money. That's what they call "life". Think about that for a moment; about how you spend most of your time. I have a vocation: a rich, passionate fulfilling one that is sometimes driven by the necessity for money, but take away the "job", and I'm still an artist and designer who writes, and I always will be, regardless of a whether or not a company pays me for my expertise. In fact, I will continue to develop my skills throughout my life, until the end of my time here on earth. It's a stance and a reality that puts jobs exactly where they belong: not the whole story of who we are. I couldn't fit my entire life into a 9-5 cubicle. Could you?

Instead of being driven in a panicked fashion from one place of employment to another, stop to think about what you would do, and who you would be without a corporation to define you. Is there anything of real value left? If not, why is that? Trust me, when you ponder those questions closely, you'd be surprised how much more respect drives your choices and decisions, in business and in life. Being able to rely on one's instincts (no matter how stressful or difficult life sometimes is) comes from a sense of self-worth that is the real American Dream, not the pre-packaged version sold to you by someone looking to profit from your hands, your mind, and your hard-fought for (and difficultly won) successes. I make work every day, whether or not someone pays me, because that's who I am, and that's what I do, which kind of obliterates old-fashioned concepts like vacations and desk jobs. Think about it, the next time you face an important life decision. Enjoy your time off, laborer.