Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is Election Day in New York. Given recent events, this day about the power of the people is much needed. We were spared the violent backbiting of the last election days to focus on the real—our safety and that of our families. Many of us tended to the basic necessities of life: food, clothing and shelter, because in the end, that's what life is really about anyway. These are the things to think about when you hit the polls today. Who among the candidates understands what life is really about? 

I can't decide that for you but upon serious reflection, I know that we the people will make the right choice. Choose wisely, because this is the most powerful right that free people have. We are the world leaders in innovation, as the freest society on the planet: not perfect, not without conflict, not without flaws, and not without struggle, but as the greatest societal structure of a true democracy that humankind has ever endeavored to undertake. This is the power that you hold in your hands. Do not throw it away.
 866-VOTE-NYC (866-868-3692)