Saturday, August 1, 2015

Take back the world

As we speak, we the faithful are working towards the most peaceful and effective way to ease the world of this madness that has affected our brothers and sisters for centuries: the wars, the famines, the hunger, the starvation, all the death and violence, the mutilations and torture, the withholding of resources...all of it.

Because all of it comes from the same dark, hateful, insidious place: the heart of darkness at our very centers, the beast that beats within all of our breasts, a beast we must willingly confront (and best), if we are to win this last final battle of good over evil, here on earth.

Think I'm exaggerating? I'm willing to bet by now, my many followers, that you don't. I call them just as I see them, and as it happens out in the world. Hang on, and pray for the light that heals you. You are not alone. You were never alone.

Today, I commit myself to taking back the world from madness. Today, we begin anew the fight against the evil that lurks within ourselves, and then.....we turn it outward in a warm embrace. 

Read what we are doing here in my small town, and take it. This is the way out, for us all. This is the way back. This is the way home. And it is just how I designed it to be. Amen to you.

 See you on the U.S.S. Enterprise, my friends.