Friday, February 3, 2012

The Story of Lobo and Blanca
Wolves are my favorite animals. It isn't surprising, given my preference for snow dogs, which wolves resemble in some ways. One of my favorite reads as a pre-teen was Julie of the Wolves, the story of an abused Native girl who runs away to join a pack. I made a study of my Samoyed as a girl growing up, and I loved her habits. When I began to learn in earnest about wolves, my admiration for their qualities grew. They are one of the most intelligent, sophisticated, and feeling animals on our beautiful gem of a planet, alongside whales, dolphins, and elephants. They have a complex and highly developed society, with a refined, disciplined, almost militaristic hierarchy. They form strong emotional attachments and unique bonds. Combined with their extraordinary natural beauty, you can clearly see why I was hooked.  

Lakota Wolf, © 2010 Marie Doucette
As an adult, my fascination with wolves remains unabated. I went on a small outing to a wolf preserve in New Jersey. We also took a bigger family trip to Yellowstone, on a tour called Wolves, Bears, and Wild Things. We saw many beautiful animals and incredible landscapes, but no wolves. I was not disappointed at all, because I expected such behavior. They are not summer creatures, and the heat of the day is no time for movement, because wolves travel at night. I know some day I will observe a pack in the wild, at a spot that I hiked to deep in the wilderness, glistening with new snow.*

You can imagine my rapt attention when I discovered the documentary called The Wolf That Changed America. I do not want to write too much about it, so moving is this true tale. It's an epic adventure, with the creation of an environmental activist, and the greatest love story of all time. See it for yourself, and prepare for an emotional experience you will never forget. Be sure to have tissues handy.
