Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello Peoples! Cats, drinks, and food!

Today's post is a hodgepodge of items. First up, it's FIRSTY CAT:
a cat so freakin' thirsty, I made up a new word for it. OOO, smooshed face kitty is sooo cute @@!

Secondly, I finished Mardi Gras in high style, with Framboise Lambic and handmade salted caramel ice sandwiches with oatmeal raisin cookies, from Bierkraft in the hood.

Lambic and Bierkraft ice cream sandwiches
To set the tone, I blasted some Cajun and Zydeco tunes. My favorite is "Zydeco Hog" by Nathan & the Zydeco Cha-Chas with Michael Doucet. Gotta represent the Creoles and Cajuns! Here's a link to the song, because I couldn't find a video clip of the track. How catchy and fun is it? Go ahead, you know you want to buy it ;)

Here's Nathan with his band, and Michael Doucet with his son, playing for The Smithsonian.

You know you're feelin' it, so get up and dance. Et toi!!

And last but certainly not least, I fasted yesterday for Ash Wednesday, which made me feel a little like this by late afternoon: 

I got light-headed with a food headache, and my limbs felt sort of loose, but I drank a lot of green tea and water. Mine was a more strict form fasting. Please note that it is not mandatory. Most people keep vigil with two snacks and one midday meal. By 4:00 pm I had a quick bite, and at 5:00 pm. I broke my fast with the rest of the chips from Fat Tuesdays' feast. They give out extremely generous portions. Yeah!

Fat Tuesday fish and chips

It was a great start to the Lenten season, with a wonderfully traditional feel to it. How are you honoring family traditions this weekend?  
Whatever it is, enjoy!