Monday, February 13, 2012

Fan Mail

Hi Readers,
I'm kicking off this week with a new feature called Fan Mail, the first
of which I received last week, in response to my article about the Prospect Park Zoo. And what a doozy it is! I really can't ask for much more, except maybe sponsorship (hint, hint). Stay tuned.

Hi Marie,
I got the link to your post on PPZ from a Google alert. My staff and 
I are head over heels with your post. It is so lovely. We should have 
you doing PR for us because you absolutely understand what we’ve been working to achieve at the zoo. We have a lot of new animals in the works so I hope you’ll come back and visit. In fact, in April we’re going to “unveil” our newest big exhibit of dingoes, the wild dogs of Australia. It should be pretty exciting. Again, thanks for the wonderful post!

Denise McClean
Facility Director, Prospect Park Zoo
Wildlife Conservation Society