Saturday, October 12, 2013

Nature: Look at the Ducks! Where's the rabbit?

This way North.

I happened upon a darling cluster of Canadian geese nonchalantly migrating through the parking lot of a local hospital. Don't mind me. I'm just passing through, too. So I snapped their pic. Tourists!

Bunny Camo.

In the Springtime, there was a cluster of three very small and adorable baby bunnies, but now I only see one regularly, every evening before the sun sets. He grazes the same patch of lawn at dusk, and darts right into the dirt patch whenever I come too close, or a crow caws loudly overhead. Smart bunbun. He's a perfect example of survival of the fittest. He's somewhat accepted me cooing at him, and even turns my way curiously when I make the sound. I suspect Mother Nature has advised the local animals that the elderly community they thrive in is just about the safest bet around; slower humans (and weaker predators) could not be found elsewhere in the county, thus making it an animal paradise of sorts in their retirement community. No "pot au feu avec des lapins" for this Canadian Thanksgiving. Bon weekend!