Monday, January 2, 2012

Word of the Day: "Milhousing"
Part of the fun with language are new words that enter our collective lexicon after years of use. It harkens back to childhood, when we learned to read and spell, and in doing so, we made mistakes, often very silly ones that made us giggle. In the process, we inadvertently stumbled onto a phrase that aptly captured our zeitgeist, becoming in-jokes among friends and family for years. Same with nicknames, which convey a sense of intimacy among the users. And so I flow with words, to see where it takes me, enjoying the ride. 

But, there is a flip side, like all natural laws. Where there is dark, there is light. There cannot be one without the other, existing in perfect counterbalance, like The Tao. One of my favorite reads of all-time is George Orwells' 1984, which delves, among many themes, into words as political tools, part of any Propagandist's toolkit. "Newspeak" became my go-to term for years, referring to fabricated concepts with dicey language that reflect a hidden agenda, the purpose being to craft ones' midset into a particular direction, typically in the form of commercialism, i.e. to sell you some crap you didn't need or couldn't afford anyway.

So, here's my first "Word of the Day", for you the reader to have at no cost, free to use anywhere, at any time, for the sole purpose of having a good time. That's my agenda, transparent as it is. And it's coming at you from a most excellent source, The Simpsons, my favorite show. Let's watch a clip from the episode that struck my funny bone forever:

There after, I would refer to a bad day gone good  as "Everything's coming up  'Milhouse' ", which seemed most pertinent in office situations, where things can go to s#*t quicker than I can use a computer, and that's really f@^$ing fast. The evolution of the phrase eventually shortened to become simply the verb "Milhousing", meaning I was having a bangin' day.

As many of you re-enter the work world after holiday vacations, hang on to your flow if you can, and keep on Milhousin'.

Have a great week.