Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kitchen Mission Accomplished

Dear Readers, 

This morning, I woke up late
(for me) and like many of you,
I found myself without instant coffee. I'd offered my coffeemaker machine to the street gods years ago. In Brooklyn, that means you leave something on the sidewalk in front of your dwelling, and it magically disappears. It was a counter hog in my mostly counter-less kitchen anyway, plus I'm not typically a big caffeine drinker, for health reasons.

And yet, today herbal tea was clearly not going to cut it.
On the tippy top shelf, I remembered I might have some grounds for brewing purposes.
I stood on a chair and fished out a container from among the upper recesses. By now, you know how we roll in this town: what we lack in square footage, we gain in ceiling height, which makes the highest cabinets in my kitchen a sort of uncharted and forgotten territory that I rarely visit.

The stove clock is still set on Spring time. Doh! Actual time of experiment: 7:48 a.m
I am happy to report, I "MacGyvered" a cup of coffee from a container that had a "best used by" date of 2008, utilizing two paper towels as a filter, and a plastic to-go container as a stand-in for the coffee pot. Obviously, unbleached and organic paper towels would be the best choice for this experiment. It takes a bit of patience to slowly pour hot water onto the grounds in intervals, allowing sufficient time for the water to drip through without incident, but in the end, it was totally worth it. I secured a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Just don't tell my doctor it wasn't decaf.