Friday, December 9, 2011

Mama Mitty Moo

December is jam-packed in my family. We have birthdays in addition to Christmas, which include: my middle brother, my mom, me, and my oldest nephew. The celebrations tend to collide and combine into one, big blur.

This weekend materfamilias celebrates her 70th birthday. I have decided to mark the occasion by dubbing it "The Queen's Jubilee." In honor of my very New York mama ( with her very strong Bronx accent ) , allow me to introduce you to the infallible humor of "Mitty Moo", a lovable character created by her adoring son, actor/comedian John Roberts. I made up a nickname for my mom as a kid, too. I called her "MooMoo", when I snuggled up next to her, because I thought it sounded cute.

Anyone with a tri-state mama will have this voice ringing inside their heads. I know I do. When I showed my mom a video online, she was amazed at the similarities. "Omigawd!! she gasped, "She even uses the same words as me!", with her hand drawn up to her chest. I have no idea if my mom knows this is a guy dressed up as his mom. 

In any case, she's right. They "tawk" they same way, and they use the same expressions. "Un-bee-leave-able" is a drawn out word my mom uses for the biggest to the most minor situations. They also share an affinity for pointing out objects observed from a car window, while driving or being driven, making it impossible for their car partner to join in. "Ah! Look at the ducks!". Lately, I've been saying to myself "Look at this tree!", when I take nature walks. As different as we are, we have some common traits after all.

Happy Birthday, Mama.