Wednesday, December 14, 2011

**Ackerman Update!!**

Dear Readers and Fellow Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror Fans

I have a big update to the article "Monsters, Inc."
My birthday is this week, and as such, I received a gift from my Irish twin in the mail: a framed portrait and a copy of the Famous Monsters article that spurred our trip, along with a few photos our parents took of us visiting Forrest J Ackerman, all those years ago.

Framed photo with Monster article
It's right there in the photos: the Forrest face pins we got, and the souvenir pencils. What a great memory of a loving, kind generous fan, like Mr. Ackerman. Thanks, bro! Best. Gift. Ever. Henceforth, it will hang proudly in my office.

The Doucette Kids at The Ackermansion in Hollyweird, Karloffornia. 

Booyah! We were there. Fan circle complete.

For the freaks and geeks, I love ya!