Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You only get what you give

Yesterday I donated a slew of my books and CD's to the Brooklyn Public Library because I care deeply about literacy, education and the availability of free resources to my community. It's what keeps me going when even I don't know how I keep going sometimes—being here for you.

But giving away so much for free has created a deficit in my life that I cannot afford to continue and that's where you come in. Show your support for the arts and quality work for children by supporting your very favorite author and artist....c'est moi! 

By chipping in as little as $10, you give back a fraction of what's needed for me to do the work that I produce daily at my level of expertise and I bring all the rest. That's priceless and that's what I consistently deliver. 

You have an opportunity here to send out a message that you also care about exceptional work made for children along with all the other work that I give to out so freely: the original photography, the incredible artwork, and the stories you read that make you laugh, cry, and feel. By making a public donation on a site others can see, you also make a powerful statement about what matters most to you.

Your small amount helps me to continue advocating for children (and anyone else needs it) every day of my life. I give because it's my pleasure to do so. It's my vocation to be of service to you. I rarely ask for anything and never solely for personal gain. This can be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give back just a tiny fraction in comparison to all that I do.

Do it! Become part of a process that's greater than yourself.