Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cooking with Gas

Chicory, tomato, white onion and soft-boiled egg salad
This week is all about the chicory I have on hand, or is it? There seems to be some debate over its' name in America. After a brief search, I found that curly endive is often mistaken for actual chicory, and though the two are closely related, they are different plants. Whatever the case may be, my "Kitchen Mission" is to put this vegetable to bed.

Poached egg and tomato on buttermilk biscuits with chicory
I found the bitter taste and hard leaves of chicory did best with soft items. In one dish, I sprinkled romano on leftover biscuits under a poached egg and tomato slice, with the chicory as a base. It did very well with a stack of gooey foods, barely wilting. A tough leaf! How do you use chicory and curly endive?