Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Working", by Studs Terkel.

Second in a series after our 1st Studs Turkel edition "The 'Good' War". For this edition, my challenge was to find an image evocative of the concept of work, without harkening to the specifics of race, class, ethnicity, or social strata, since the book covers an enormously diverse range of voices from professions of all types.

So, I chose the daily commute as a take-off point, something every worker has to contend with in one form or another. My hidden fun built-in for readers is the spine detail: I wanted a subconscious connection between the Communist worker symbol of the hammer and sickle.

Another cool tie-in: Harvey Pekar wrote a graphic novel version of "Working", who I got to see speak recently at a Brooklyn comic book convention called King Con.