Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goodbye, Ladybug

Ladybug in doorway.

Today may indeed be the last warm day of 2014, which reminded me of a sunny day last week, when the last of this season's ladybugs seemed to come right out of the woodwork, creating a haze of flying wings when I walked across the lawn. I thought just one or two of them were on the windows outside, not knowing I'd disturb a flood of fluttering bugs that poured out in a steady stream from under the eaves, to sun themselves on the bright yellow panels of the house. 

Ladybug on window screen.

It was one of the more beautiful things I've seen in awhile, and instead of trying to catch it on video or with a photo, I just stood there briefly before running my errands, enjoying the sight of them flying around, flitting here and there on the outside of the house. It was a magical moment that wouldn't have translated onto media anyway, because of their small size, nor would I have captured exactly how it made me feel: light, happy, and free, in the span of a very quick moment, like a ladybug's life lived in just two or three short years. Live free, then die. Not a bad way to go.