Saturday, July 28, 2012

Food: Summer Fare

Avocado, muenster, cucumber, and yogurt sandwich

Avocados are the type of produce we've grown accustomed to seeing in stores year-round, typically of the small, dark green and imported variety. I delighted to find an actual American avocado on the shelves last week. It's much larger than its' South American cousin. Instead of a dark green, it's a vibrant, bright green/yellow with lots of creamy pulp inside. I've had that same one since last week, and I'm still finding dishes for it.

My "Dagwood" creation
Given the propensity for hot humid days in the summertime, any meal that doesn't require the heat of a stove or an oven rules the day. This sandwich was the epitome of coolness: creamy avocado, muenster cheese, some cucumber slices with the peel left on for snap and crunch, and plain probiotic yogurt as a dressing, in lieu of a heavy mayonnaise. The flavors were clean, simple and cooling to the palate, a refreshment we strive for during the "dog days" of summer. Stay cool!