Friday, July 27, 2012

a pitcher of light
With summer storms come blackouts that those of us in NYC are blessed to have infrequently, but they do happen. When I was growing up, candles and flashlights were always on hand for occasions like hurricanes and thunderstorms. They became breaks from the norm that I loved as a kid. How pretty a house full of candles looks! It was such fun carrying one around to the bathroom and then to bed, their wicks flickering like fireflies in the night.

I like candles around all the time for their light and scent. Part of my routine every morning while writing and posting is to light one. When I got some nicely scented candles on sale, I had to improvise a holder for the melting wax. Many years ago, I was gifted with a complete set of dishes, most of which I never use.  This little creamer became the picture perfect container for my little light to shine, with a hand hold for me to use while walking around, in case of sudden squalls like the fabulous Ghostbuster storm we had last night.
Weather the storm beautifully.