Saturday, June 14, 2014

Thunder and Clouds

Tendrils curling with condensation.
I saw a storm system move in last night, the gathering line of clouds churning and rolling its way quickly towards the porch I stood upon. Yellow-beaked blackbirds raced past, towards safe havens to wait out the coming storm.

The line of the storm front nears.
After the line of advancing clouds past, a blast of wind shook through the trees, blowing off leaves and buds in furious gusts onto the street. Thunderstorms bring yellow skies in the east, and as I stood there watching the clouds above my head bring a cool wind, I could feel thunder building.

The sky roiling with storm clouds.
A flash popped right over me, causing me to take a step or two towards the door, but it was so beautiful, I just had to wait for the denouement; and so it began to spatter drops onto me, and then I went inside. A few seconds later, bedlam broke out. It didn't pour rain, it gushed water violently from above, obscuring some nearby bushes on the lawn. Wow!

More curling clouds form in the line of the advancing storm.
It was majestic, awesome, powerful, fun, a little scary, and ultimately, humbling; such is the fury of a really good thunderstorm. Enjoy the gathering storm, fellow humans.

Clouds, and the dark they bring.