Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Evil, Inc


We've explored madness as it's currently expressed through certain industries, and the personality types who work at these kinds of enterprises, typically of the manically-addictive bisexual, personality-disordered, and former cheerleader type. She really really likes "positivity" in all things, except when she doesn't, and then she has to diet extremely well to compete with just about anyone in her own crazy pseudo-relationship that has absolutely nothing to do with reality or you, except you're around it while it is in its most freaky feral states of transition. That would be one type of employee. There's also the asshole sales manager who HAS TO be on the move constantly, or he will also short-out to go insane, plus he also really enjoys phony bullshit that he thinks will spring your wallet magically open. It doesn't.

That's why GenX has become one of the most hated and vilified generations of all time, in a process that was carefully cultivated by pretentiously arty sell-outs, like their chosen "alt" (that's "alternative" in quick, cutesy, chic-speak) movie director who smokes pot, has really bad relationships, never leaves his home, and then says we're all as lazy as him, because we're not. He's a fuck-up with really good press, because he's backed by people with money who want to preserve their privileges through a deliberate misportrayal of one of the hardest working generations of all time. It doesn't take as much money as people think to create a war machine that keeps on churning after the death of one of its creators. See also: Michael Jackson.

Millennials aren't immune to assholes, either. Their biggest social media guru is busy buying up huge tracts of beachfront land in Hawaii (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/emeg45mgmd/mark-zuckerberts-kahuaina-plantation/#47e9318526d5), so he can block public access to it with a full-time security staff of buff bodyguards, lots of paranoid outdoor cameras to track you walking anywhere outside of his compound (not of him and his team, because those pictures could leak out!), and a big thick wall to keep you all out. Like any typical asshole, he'll tell you that's he's "preserving the land" but, really, open space is a public park concept that's rather basic for any rich white dude with money to burn and phony charities to back, for flowing money in various directions that are both out of state and/or the country. But, I digress.

Let's get back to building evil war machines. I was particularly insulted by the fake summit a certain PC-building guru held for the richest idiots on the planet, to, like, save the world and stuff. They had a typed-up agenda of items and everything, so you know it's legit! On their list of key humans that will surely save us (not) was the impressive Spanx-wearing billionairess who has upheld the image of faux fitness for many a Hollywood starlet and her beard-wearing beau. I mean, hello? Form-fitting garments made from petroleum products? Duh! That's one impressive bitch! Cameras were not allowed inside what must have been their riveting brain-trust, because we would probably spontaneously combust from all their genius and stuff, but, like...absolutely nothing happened as a result of that meeting. Or it did, but for them and not any of us, where you and I can't see it.

They talk condescendingly about typical bullshit like drugs, crime, and homelessness ("urban" is the word they use for us as a "key demographic" my n*ggas, or, er, "coloreds"), but what I find so very interesting about all of these fake summits is the elephant in the room that not one of these compulsive-obsessive "billionaires" ever utters out loud, where the press can hear it and write it down: that the worst conditions in the world stem from psychosis and madness. Where's the research devoted to that? I'll put it up for you to link to here, but not one of them ever will, because when was the last time you met a really healthy person who pounded energy drinks for days just to code in some dull computer language over and over again, or to swim the exact same lap with the exact same stroke for years and years and years, way after we dropped it as kids? Never, right? Same as me.