Monday, January 4, 2016

The Staff of Life

Korb mit Brötchen.JPG
John 6:35 (King James Version)
35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 

Over the years, we've had to endure the hype and common misconceptions that come with humans and their many food-related disorders. "Coeliac Disease"* is serious, I know. My stepmother has it. Do you? No?! Then, you don't need a gluten-free diet. In fact, my father followed her seriously restricted diet for many years (in solidarity of her and her limited cooking skills), because he doesn't really cook except for the occasional backyard barbecue, like any other typically American dad. He said for many years that it helped him with his joint pain, though the dry arid climate of West Texas helped more by far. 

Now, they both take medication for heart disease (my dad also has stents in the major arteries leading to his heart), because they both have genetic tendencies towards that kind of health-related problem. Homosapiens are not Neanderthal types of primates anymore, so why would you believe that eating like one is beneficial to your modern-day health? Some of the worst content I designed during my time in the publishing industry was wrongly formed in the bad combination of tying food to the weepy "self-help" subculture, because a lot of people with mental problems try to effect a total cure upon their brain disorders through dieting, and that isn't enough of the right kind of health care.

Don't get me wrong. Healthy eating does work wonders for our overall health, and proper nutrition is essential to continued good health, but hopping on a trendy diet bandwagon will only get you so far. Just ask the former "Queen of Daytime Talk" herself, an entertainment brand so famous that she gets by with just one name (like any real rock star), now driven so low by her recent drop from the public's constant eye that she finally admitted in a widely televised ad what we all know about her to be true: she's just another paid corporate shill for one of the worst "touchy-feely" diet food purveyors, because despite all of her money, fame, and long-term access to the "best of the best", she's still off in the head, thus filling the core of herself with food instead.

What kind of message do you think that sends to very people who made her rich and famous, particularly from one of our most beleaguered populations that she openly stole from, the African-American single mother struggling to keep her (and her family's) head above water? She bankrupted all of them as far as I'm concerned, and if I were you, ladies, I'd drop all of her magazines, book projects, and t.v. shows today. Start the new year of 2016 right, by giving your hard-won economic support to those people among you who are genuine enough to love you back for your faith, not to just another "Mad Black Woman" who sang the blues publicly and ate all of her feelings (in between ridiculously unhealthy juice "fasts"), because all the money and fame in the world ain't gonna give her back what her own mama and daddy took from her, and neither will you.

Just leave food out of it! I got that covered and now so do you, you just didn't know it, yet. You have everything you need inside of you already, and what G-d hasn't provided, my local bakery can give me with freshly baked warm bread straight outta their ovens (for a mere $1.79!), in a long Italian-style loaf so big, that I cut it while it's fresh and freeze it in sections, defrosting each part as I need it over the course of a week. Who else will tell you that for free? Well, a lot of us will. All you have to do is listen. We're here. Happy New Year.