Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bart Discovers MMA

Forgotten at school, again.
"Where's your brother?"
Uh oh. Police Mom Marge is here.
Bart's caught fighting in the playground...
...with Homer's support. Ooops.
So Marge takes on the head of a fight league in order to protest violence, and its effect on kids...
...and kicks his ass. Margie likey!
But, what effect does it have on little Lisa and her brother Bart?
A new generation of fighters! Tune in to the very end to see who wins.

Dedicated to me and my bro Bernie, fighting since we were babies in the late 60s, now celebrating a great sport that finally matches the dreams (and scuffles) of our youth. Special "shout out" to all you "crazy" kids and silly, little dreamers. Here. We. Go.