Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Snow

Overnight accumulation in the morning. Surprise!
Nature runs a bit wild on the coasts: there's hurricanes, blizzards, and sometimes extremes between warm and cold on the exact same day. We had snow at night recently, which means we woke up to it glinting off cars and sparkling in the sunlight atop freshly budding flowers, like the daffodils and forsythia; a rare but beautiful sight. 

Walking to work one April the snow.
The noonday sun burns it away quickly in the Springtime, but it leaves you with the uneasy feeling that anything can happen to you at any time, and that's the truth about reality. It's a good reminder for us about what it means to be human, and that means we are still (and always), subject to the laws of nature (despite our progress), laws that operate on a time frame that often comes in conflict with ours. There's a lesson here to be learned somewhere, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

No? OK. For you "slower students" out there, it's this: 
you can't win in a war against Mother Nature.