Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nature: Winter Weary

This is that time of the year when we wish the snow and cold would just go away, and indeed it does. Spring comes when we need it the most; when we feel like we simply can't with another snowstorm, and as usual, Mother Nature gets it just right. That pretty pile of snow has turned to a dirty mess, depressing and ugly, like a muttering homeless person on the corner whose public indignities insult the well-shod foot of an Upper East Side matron. 

It's gross, and we want it to disappear. Fortunately, the seasons are much more sensible than people, and like an unwanted guest, sloppy and drunk at a party that's gone on way too long, Winter leaves us with one final gasp of its' icy breath, giving way at last to sun and warmth. We sense the ground moving beneath our feet, and as humans, we respond accordingly to this ancient rite of passage with glad, open arms. See you in the Spring! It's right around the corner.

A classically picturesque winter scene.
Red berries in snow! Charming and Christmas-y.
Sigh...I love winter. So pretty, and it's such a beautiful day today.
Wow! The town looks so good covered in snow.
Great. Now I can't walk on the sidewalks. That leaves me with the road.
Ugh. And now it's filthy, too. Is that dog pee? So gross!
Nasty frozen, dripping ice/dirt cavern blocks the sidewalk. Boo!
Done! I hate everyone and everything. Look at this shit!