Monday, June 24, 2013

Cooking With (No) Gas: Eggs-periment!

#1 - Find a good specimen.

In the interest of science and fun, I endeavored to cook a egg in a  microwave to see what happened, with the not-so-secret desire that it would explode. 

#2 - Place egg in bowl of water.

My little experiment proved to be no disappointment. It popped with a satisfyingly loud "BLAM!", but I did discover that it was indeed cooked all the way through.

#3 - Set timer and let it cook.

Next time, I'll monitor it more closely with better results, because you can't be a good cook without breaking a few of eggs. 

#4 - BLAM! Satisfying explosion occurred.

Oh, and this entire experiment was inspired by the many Peeps trials, long may they live in book form and on the internet, forever and ever, as an inspiration to all. Amen.

Inspiration: The Great Peeps Experiments.