Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The New Year Visits Apartment #6

It officially feels like 2011 to me now. This week, my beloved 101 year old apartment gets a sorely needed paint job, from floor-to-ceiling, top to bottom. As my landlord and I discussed the details for the new work to be done, I took a series of shots to email him, showing spots with wear-and-tear. Naturally, I started taking other pictures to enliven the chore.

As I look back on the them, they feel less like a dry recording of the "bloom off a rose". They've captured the airy essence of this space. An extraordinary amount of light pours through its' tall windows, bouncing off the high ceilings and walls. As I watch the place transform, it becomes an apt metaphor, made solid and real, for "out with the old, in the new". I can't wait to take more snaps after the work is done. This place deserves a new coat for winter. It's worked hard to give me somewhere to call "home".